Nashville Cooking Classes in February 2018

Don't miss our special Nashville Cooking Classes with some amazing local chefs! Our new Kitchen Store in Nashville is offering cooking classes each month with local chefs.
Our Nashville Cooking Classes in February 2018 include a Mediterranean Dinner class, which is a domonstration-style class with Bobby Griggs and Hanmmer Stahl. Eating in a Mediterranean manner focuses on healthy components prepared in flavorful, delicious ways. Join us as we experiment with a few fresh takes on Mediterranean menu magic!
Our second class is a Winter One Pot Dinner class. This hands-on class with Jilah Kalili of Cooking Up. When winter decides to hang around, nothing is quite as nice as spending time in the kitchen master! Delicious dishes with one pot cooking methods. You'll enjoy the camaraderie and the tasty results. Menu includes Heirloom Bean Soup with Swiss Chard, Local Mixed Green Salad, Chicken Meatballs, French Bread and an Almond Tart.
Learn more about our Nashville Cooking Classes »